Over the last few days, there has been a small movement inside of me. This movement is the Holy Spirit and He is asking me- is it yours or is it Mine?
Over the last few years, I have held so tightly to many dreams and many selfish ambitions: a new house, a baby, a successful career, more money, and so much more. Through all of these desires, I see my desperate need for Christ and how worldly I truly am. Yet, I still struggle to open my hands and to lay it all down. In one moment, I give all of my dreams to God and in the next moment, I'm picking them right back up! I'm praying this week for not my own will to be done, but God's will to be done.
I'm going to leave you with an excerpt from the book I just read this week- the book is called All In by Mark Batterson:
"What are you holding on to? Or maybe I should ask, What are you not willing to let go of? If you aren't willing to let go, then you don't control whatever it is that you are holding on to. It controls you. And if you don't throw it down, your staff will forever remain a staff".
My desire is to use my time, my money, my talent, and my desires for kingdom causes. I refuse to remain unchanged.
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